
What if we make the boyfriend a unicorN?

Here’s where all the magic happens. (And based on past writing journals, where a lot of frustration originates also.) I’m more of a plotter than a pantser, so I tend to figure things out before I get too far actually writing. This is where I’ll do most of my “noodling”. (And just keep repeating to yourself, “there are no stupid questions” as I debate with myself the benefits of one idea over another – possibly again and again.)

How Old Is Tim?

How Old Is Tim?

(Edit: My spouse thought the original post was a little confusing with all the time frames criss-crossing so I reworked it, hopefully explaining things a little better. Sorry if you read the original and were confused before. Believe me, it confused me for a while,...

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Deciding on a genre

Deciding on a genre

(Note: what you're about to read isn't the usual format for a post in the "Brainstorming" category. Usually, you would see the complete back and forth of ideas. This post only shows an abbreviated version of what I did offline recently. I'm only including it out of...

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