In another synchronistic event late last week, I actually paid attention to some of my email and read about a new online course that was about to be released. Entitled, “You Are a Writer – Getting Past the Fear and Finally Moving Forward,” the 8 session course is designed for those who suffer from toxic procrastination and perfectionism. Since it sounded like it could be extremely helpful, I went ahead and enrolled.
Author and writing coach Lauren Sapala – the developer of the course – works primarily with sensitive, intuitive writers (INFJ’s and INFP’s) in her WriteCity writing group in San Francisco. As she states on her website, she created the course for “writers who:
- Are afraid to start writing anything, or are currently not writing at all.
- Start a lot of writing projects, but finish very little.
- Have trouble focusing on working on one story at a time.
- Want desperately to be a “real writer” but feel like an imposter or a fraud.
- Feel frozen/numb or agitated/upset every time they sit down to write.
- Constantly hear the voice of their inner critic while writing, which sends them into self-doubt and despair.
- Feel a deep sense of shame about their writing and like they are a “failure” as a writer.”
As I work through the sessions, I’ll be posting my thoughts and experiences here on the site. And, if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, don’t hesitate to check out Lauren and her work. I’ve read her book, The INFJ Writer and she’s excellent.
The course is $149 and is self-paced. For more information, visit Lauren’s site at:
(Note: the links I provide are not affiliate links and I make no money if you use them to purchase a product. They’re there simply to help you find something easier.)
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Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash